KVB Architects tring
The Counting House , 9 High Street ,
Tring , Herts , HP23 5AH
Tel 01442 824691

Brentford Station
The existing low category station at Brentford was upgraded in a joint initiative of the London Borough of Hounslow and GlaxoSmithKline, supported by South West Trains and Network Rail (then Railtrack).
Redevelopment comprised extensive new facilities, including secure Ticket Office, booking hall/concourse and tenancies. New stairs and lift towers were also provided for access to both platforms , including a new footbridge link over, with improved bus interchange services off Boston Manor Road.
The completed project was awarded "Highly Commended" in the Best Small Station of the Year 2003 competition.

Brighton Ticket Office
KVB Architects Ltd were commissioned to carry out the detailed design for a secure Ticket office enclosure within the concourse area of Brighton Station.
Careful selection of the external envelope (fire-rated materials and colours) was made to achieve a neutral and simple building form which would act as a foil in the otherwise colourful and bustling railway concourse environment.
The construction of the Ticket Office was completed in late 2013.

Southampton Parkway
The requirement for a new station was necessitated by the expansion of Southampton Airport nearby. In taking account of increased passenger numbers, careful consideration was given to providing adequate facilities within the restricted site for staff and public alike.
The finalised brief produced a flagship station for the Train Operator (South West Trains), featuring high quality tenancy areas, waiting hall, toilet accommodation, first class passenger lounge/ waiting room and open counter ticket sales areas.
The project was completed in 1996, and has since been extended by others to include lifts and overhead footbridge.

Walton-on-Thames Station
Major refurbishment works in 2008/2009 comprised the reconfiguration of the existing station forecourt off Station Avenue to allow the construction of new DDA-compliant ramps and stairs to Platform 1, where new automatic ticket gates were also installed.
Several structural hurdles were overcome to achieve the resulting simplified platform building, providing the passengers with safe access routes throughout the station.
A similar construction was carried out to the country-bound platform opposite soon after, making the station fully accessible.

Southampton Central
An enclosed waiting room and toilets on the London bound platform was provided in 2004/5 in a joint partnership with Southampton City council and Select Service Partners, to take account.
the increased passenger footfall at this important hub station.
Careful selection of materials / finishes was made in the design to achieve a safe, secure and comfortable environment for passengers and staff alike.

Haddenham and Thame Parkway
The design work comprised the extension, refurbishment and allterations of the existing station building at Haddenham and Thame Parkway (Chiltern Railway Network), with associated works to the cycle parking / external landscaping.
Main works comprised a single storey extenison block to accommodate a food / retail tenancy (servery and public seating), reconfiguration of the existing to create internally accessible public toilets (male, female and accessible) and improved spatial arrangements to facilitate circulation and access to platforms.
Works commenced in 2013 and were completed in early 2014.

Eastleigh Station
KVB Architects were commissioned by South West Trains (SWT) to design the reconfiguration of the forecourt to Eastleigh Station within the wider context of the continuing regeneration of the Eastleigh town centre.
The project was developed collaboratively with SWT, Network Rail, Hampshire County Council and Eastleigh Borough Council. Several feasibility schemes were prepared, taking account the vehicular / pedestrian circulation routes, maxinmum parking provision for cycles, motorcycles, cars, coaches and delivery
lorries. The agreed design context identified the station forecourt as a key gateway and arrival point to the town centre and a cohesive space that incorporates an attractive, safe, accessible and welcoming piazza that is physically connected to Eastleigh town centre.
Works are anticipated to commence late 2014

Windsor & Eton Riverside Station
Major refurbishment works were proposed including refitting accessible toilets, relining of the car park, erection of platform fencing and construction of DDA - compliant ramps to both platforms in this important Victorian period station.
Detailing of brickwork and balustrading to the ramp, and other internal elements were designed to meet the requirements of the Conservation Officer (Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead).
Extensions / Conversions
“Achieving good design need not necessarily involve high costs...what is needed is a clear brief, understanding the Client's aspirations early and exploring several options to arrive at a solution which is buildable"
KVB Architects Ltd